
A Closer Walk

Attitude of the Righteous


Our ministry is to reach out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ and to help believers be equipped with a solid knowledge of the Word of God, the Bible, and be encouraged to apply it in every aspect of their daily lives. There are simple truths for these complex times to help people live in a way that brings real spiritual victory to them and more importantly, through the Lord Jesus Christ, glory to God our Father.

Acts 3:5-6
And he (a man lame from birth) fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, 'I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!'
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The result was that man, now healed by the love and power of the Lord and the faithfulness of Peter, then stood up and then entered the temple along with Peter and John “walking and leaping and praising God!”

We have been conditioned, lied to by the world, to believe that the answer to virtually every problem is money, or silver and gold as Peter called it—or perhaps even 'mammon' as Jesus called it in the Sermon on the Mount. {Mt.6:24} The grave danger with that is that in the perilous last days when men are lovers of self, the next thing that Scripture warns of {2Tim.3:2} is that men will be lovers of money. Those who are not bond-servants of God will be worshipers and servants of silver and gold, regardless if it is called Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Shekel, Rubles, etc., etc.

The truth is that those who love money will never be satisfied with money, {Ecc.5:10} there will never be enough. And when the end grows near they will find the reality of the fact that riches do not profit in the day of wrath just as it is written. {Pr.11:4} The time is coming when as Isaiah prophesied mankind will cast away their idols of silver and gold to the moles and the bats! {Is.2:20}

The touch of God's love through the hand of Peter did for that lame beggar what money could never do, it blessed and changed his life for all eternity! No doctor and no amount of money would have been able to accomplish that in his life. He did not get money to buy one more meal for the day, he got to taste and see that the Lord is good {Ps.34:8} forever!

Peter and John gave that man what they had, God's love, and it was more than sufficient. Well my brother or sister God's love has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit {Rom.5:5} so we are equipped to do just what they did; to touch somebody with the life changing Word! The Lord God will accomplish His purpose His way, on His terms. Tell somebody today that the Father and His Son Jesus love them! Then they will be able to join the heavenly choir singing praises to God rather than having to join the crowd as …

“They shall fling their silver into the streets, and their gold shall become an abhorrent thing; their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their appetite, nor can they fill their stomachs, for their iniquity has become an occasion of stumbling.” (Ezekiel 7:19)


The Letter to the Ephesians - Part 19
Chapter 5:25-6:9 — Continuing our look at the household of God and the roles of the fathers, mothers and the children in a family operating in the plan of God. And that is a plan for peace, to give us a hope and a future. The Lord wants us to know it and to live it so that we will have life in the fullest sense of the word!

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Built on Bad Theology
The Tower of Babel was built on the plain of Shinar. It failed because it was built on bad theology! And it is unfortunate that much of what the church has built over the years is set on that same foundation. Jesus said that He would build His church, and that foundation is the Rock.
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