A Ministry of BibleTalk | |
A weekly series of 30 minute web-casts studying God's word to find what true Christianity should look like and act like, cutting away the man-made doctrines, traditions, and superstitions |
2018 Program Information | ||
(View 2015 Programs) — (View 2016 Programs) — (View 2017 Programs) — (View 2019 Programs) | ||
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 20 | ||
180 | Dec 28 2018 |
2 Timothy 4:4-Conclusion — The call to ministry; the cost of ministry and the glorious opportunity to serve God and others in the name of Jesus. This brings us to the conclusion of our study in 2 Timothy and the reward of ministry. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 19 | ||
179 | Dec 21 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:16-4:4 — Choosing sound doctrine and avoiding myths and fables. We cannot walk in the truth unless we are willing to receive the truth. As simple as that statement sounds it seems as though many, perhaps even the majority, will choose the ear-tickling lie which is more pleasing and attractive to the flesh. |
Being Transformed | ||
REPLAY | Dec 15 2018 |
Romans 12:1-3 — A caterpillar into a butterfly — metamorphose. Amazing, but not nearly as spectacular as a sinner into a saint. We are to be transformed into beautiful worshipers of the Most High God. A replay from a study in London, England in July 2013. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 18 /td> | ||
178 | Nov 30 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:15-16 — The breath of God that brought life to Adam is still the only thing that can bring life to mankind today. We know that breath to be the Scriptures—all Scripture—otherwise known as the Word of God. And all Scripture points to the Word made flesh who dwelt among us. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 17 | ||
177 | Nov 23 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:6-15 — Embracing the promises of God, which the world and all too much of the 'church' reject, we see what lies ahead. That is, ahead of the glorious return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But according to this Word we are looking at we are to live in His triumph and victory now! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 16 | ||
176 | Nov 16 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:4-5 — Moving from treacherous to reckless, to conceited, then on to being lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. It all leads to a so-called church holding to a form of godliness but denying the power. And as we end this session we are instructed to avoid such men as these! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 15 | ||
175 | Nov 9 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:3-4 — Continuing on in our study of the attitudes and behaviors that will dominate in the perilous last days. Each of these becomes more prevalent in the world, and unfortunately, in so much of the church. Knowing what they are in order to guard against them in our own lives. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 14 | ||
174 | Nov 2 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:1-2 — Looking at the characteristics that mankind - and much of the 'church' - will exhibit in the perilous last days. It is a warning of what is to come and what we must be on guard against in our own lives. These things are already too evident in our times! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 13 | ||
173 | Oct 26 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:1 — A lover of self will inevitably be a lover of money, they are linked and bound together. When need arises, as in the wilderness of the Sinai long ago, the choice will be Manna or mammon, God or gold. Jesus said that no man can serve two masters, it will always boil down to the choices we make! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 12 | ||
172 | Oct 19 2018 |
2 Timothy 3:1 — Starting to look at the characteristics of the perilous last days. And the list starts with the gateway to sin, pride! There is one and only one weapon that can defeat pride every time and that is humility, a willingness to be ordinary. It was the heart of John the Baptist: 'He must increase, I must decrease.' True back then and all the more true today! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 11 | ||
171 | Oct 12 2018 |
2 Timothy 2:19-26 — The Lord chooses earthen vessels, of all different types, to serve His purpose. And to fulfill His purpose we must pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. Those who are the Lord's are truly the ones who are filled with a treasure, and what a joy that is! |
The History of Man | ||
Special | Sept 28 2018 |
The entire bible from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 -- and the entire history of man from beginning to end! And all of that in just under 30 minutes. Even if you already know it all, (ha,ha) this still may hold a surprise or two for you." |
The Mind of Christ: Perseverance | ||
138 | -- 2018 |
Jesus said that he who endures to the end shall be saved. So press on, persevere, don't give up and don't give in. You may have to dip in the Jordan River seven times before you see the answer but then you will see the glorious works of the Lord and you will see His glory! |
The Mind of Christ: Perspective | ||
137 | -- 2018 |
It is all about how you see things—your vision! You have to see Jesus in everything and everything through the Word. Then the Lord will show you the chariots of fire. Otherwise, it may just be the blind leading the blind. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 10 | ||
170 | Sept 7 2018 |
2 Timothy 2:15-18 — Whether a soldier, an athlete, or a child of God, there are rules to be followed. But there is no burden here, it is a labor of love! Jesus said if you love Me, keep My commandments. We just have to be on guard to not get entangled in the affairs of everyday life." |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 9 | ||
169 | Aug 31 2018 |
2 Timothy 2:8-15 — Enduring hardship for the sake of the chosen as Paul did happens in our lives as we remember Jesus Christ who went before us and conquered death. His faithfulness empowers us and shows us the path to hearing those blessed words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 8 | ||
168 | Aug 24 2018 |
2 Timothy 2:3-7 — Whether a soldier, an athlete, or a child of God, there are rules to be followed. But there is no burden here, it is a labor of love! Jesus said if you love Me, keep My commandments. We just have to be on guard to not get entangled in the affairs of everyday life. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 7 | ||
167 | Aug 17 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:15-2:2 — Fairweather friends or faithful servants? The only way to find out is the hard way, when they choose to stay or to walk away! That said, the question that Jesus asked the twelve still rings out today, "Will you also go away?" |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 6 | ||
166 | Aug 10 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:12-14 — It comes down to guarding the treasure that the Lord has given us…entrusted us with. Greater than all of the treasures of the world and far more enduring, we are blessed to have been given it in abundance, to overflowing, so we have so much to share with others. We are to pour it out to saints and sinners alike! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 5 | ||
165 | Aug 3 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:10-12 — Intimacy with God: The manifestation of the Lord's promises that had been revealed through the Law and the prophets. A study to get to an understanding of the love affair with Jesus that is Christianity. Love, not relics, rituals or traditions of men—knowing Him not just knowing about Him! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 4 | ||
164 | Jul 27 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:8-9 — An Eternal Testimony. The testimony of Jesus that leads us to confess 'the good confession' that then leads to the Lord's triumph in our lives. It is a part of our holy calling and God's purpose and grace at work in us and through us. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 3 | ||
163 | Jul 20 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:6-7 — Looking at the heat of God's fire, the enthusiasm that should fill our spirits and burn brightly in the world. Our excitement should be a beacon that guides the unsaved to the safe harbor that is our Lord. We should not be timid about proclaiming this to the lost, proclaiming the good news from the housetops! |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 2 | ||
162 | Jul 13 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:5-6 — A sincere faith, without deceit or hypocrisy that gains the approval of God, will show forth the love of God. We just have to keep the fire burning brightly because we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth bringing the light of Jesus into the darkness of the world and making people thirst for the living waters. |
Paul's 2nd Letter to Timothy - Part 1 | ||
161 | Jul 6 2018 |
2 Timothy 1:1-4 — The introduction and the greeting that starts what is most likely the last letter that the apostle Paul wrote, and this from prison in Rome. It is personal and precious in its care and concern for Timothy, his son in the faith. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 16 | ||
160 | Jun 29 2018 |
1 Timothy 6:19-21 — Finding the reality of our loving God in the conclusion and summary of this study in the apostle Paul's Spirit-breathed letter to his son in the faith (and us). It also ends with a warning for us to be on guard against the enemy who desires nothing more than our eternal death! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 15 | ||
159 | Jun 22 2018 |
1 Timothy 6:16-19 — A life that is immortal and real. Only the Lord can provide the gift of everlasting life that is filled with the reality and the joy of being with Him. Otherwise what pretends to be life will only be a poor imitation and will come to a horrid end. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 14 | ||
158 | Jun 15 2018 |
1 Timothy 6:11-15 — Knowing what we should flee from and what we should pursue, all the while making the good confession. It brings victory in our lives and it brings glory to the Lord. And it is a really good plan all the way around because it is the Word of God! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 13 | ||
157 | Jun 8 2018 |
1 Timothy 6:8-10 — How we can avoid all sorts of evil. Contentment and satisfaction will keep a believer from the love of money, the very thing that leads to all sorts of evil. It is really great to know that the Lord will meet our every need. What we need now is to understand that! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 12 | ||
156 | Jun 1 2018 |
1 Timothy 6:3-8 — The Lord's plan for our contentment, like Abraham, full of years and satisfied with life. Couple that contentment with godliness and find the great gain that the world promises, but only our God can supply. And as always, it is all about love! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 11 | ||
155 | May 25 2018 |
1 Timothy 5:22-6:2 — There is a difference between a ministry of love and loving to be called a minister! It is about the coordination of ordination, knowing that the Lord is not looking for the sheepskin (a diploma) to see if you know 'stuff' and that He always searches the sheep's heart to see if you know Him! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 10 | ||
154 | May 18 2018 |
1 Timothy 5:17-22 — Learning to serve as a ruler and to rule as a servant. We have the example of many religious leaders in times past on how not to rule and of course, we have the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who is the perfect example of how we are to serve! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 9 | ||
153 | May 11 2018 |
1 Timothy 5:1-18 — Practical instruction on dealing with the family of God…and the family in your own household. It is all part of the Lord's plan for a 'happy home' here on planet earth even before you get to your home in glory land that outshines the sun. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 8 | ||
152 | May 4 2018 |
1 Timothy 4:14-5:2 — How to feed your fire and keep it growing and glowing in an increasingly cold and dark world as we persevere in the midst of an ungodly culture. It certainly is about persevering and enduring until the end as we are warned to do. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 7 | ||
151 | Apr 27 2018 |
1 Timothy 4:7-15 — From worldly fables to living truth; the apostle Paul strives and works to bring forth a teaching that is worthy and deserving full acceptance. It is a word to the young and to the old and one that is to be carried forth by both young and old believers. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 6 | ||
150 | Apr 20 2018 |
1 Timothy 3:16-4:6 — Confessing the eternal truth rather than the momentary condition will make Jesus evident in our lives helping us and those around us from paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 5 | ||
149 | Apr 13 2018 |
1 Timothy 3:15 - Not the government, not the community; it is only the eternal Word of God that sets the standards for right and wrong behavior! The true believers, the salt of the earth and the light of the world, are called to be the pillar and buttress of that truth. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 4 | ||
148 | Apr 6 2018 |
1 Timothy 2:6-11 - From the One who gave Himself as a ransom for all comes some clarity on the confusion that surrounds us about sex and gender identification. I give thanks to the Father for sending His Word into the world and for the faithfulness of the apostle Paul who preached God's love, the word of the cross |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 3 | ||
147 | Mar 23 2018 |
1 Timothy 2:1-5 - We are instructed to pray for all men, kings and all who are in authority, godly and not godly. We are further instructed that we are to pray to God our Father only through the one mediator, the man Christ Jesus! |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 2 | ||
146 | Mar 16 2018 |
1 Timothy 1:11-20 - The apostle Paul, formerly a hater of the church who desired to wipe it out, now changed by the grace of God, becomes both teacher and example of faithfulness for us. The Lord demonstrates His perfect patience in Paul for those who are the believers, saved by grace. |
From Paul to Timothy to Us - Part 1 | ||
145 | Mar 9 2018 |
1 Timothy 1:1-10 - The start of a verse by verse study of this wonderful first letter from the apostle Paul to his 'son in the faith' Timothy. Filled with wisdom for those who will hear and heed the Spirit of God. |
Conversations with My Father - Prayer, Part 6 | ||
144 | Mar 2 2018 |
The final part of this study on prayer. Once again, we travel back in time and across the pond to our gathering in Oldham, England where we did this study with a group of brothers and sisters a few years ago. |
Conversations with My Father - Prayer, Part 5 | ||
143 | Feb 23 2018 |
As we continue our study of prayer (this time a 'blast from the past' in Oldham, England) we focus on the fact that the Lord leads us in paths of righteousness. We just need to walk that straight and narrow way—the way that leads to life. |
Conversations with My Father - Prayer, Part 4 | ||
142 | Feb 16 2018 |
The incredible power to forgive that lies within every believer. The incredible command of Jesus that we are to forgive--even the worst of our enemies. It all works out in His plan. As always, what the Lord calls us to do, He equips us for! |
Conversations with My Father - Prayer, Part 3 | ||
141 | Feb 9 2018 |
We don't have to convince the Lord to be good to us; We don't have to convince the Lord to provide for our needs. What we do need to do is to love Him, trust Him and praise Him! |
Conversations with My Father - Part 2, Atomic Prayer | ||
140 | Feb 2 2018 |
Starting with a look at three types of prayer: Individual, corporate and bad! Then we discuss atomic powered prayer. That is prayer that can truly move mountains, and it has always been the Lord's desire that we operate in His power. |
Conversations with My Father - Prayer, Part 1 | ||
139 | Jan 26 2018 |
A disciple came to Jesus and said to Him, "Lord teach us to pray..." Always faithful, training us in righteousness, the Lord did indeed teach them—and us how we are to pray. This study series examines His instruction so that we would pray effectual prayers according to His will that accomplish much! |
The Mind of Christ: Perseverance | ||
138 | Jan 19 2018 |
Jesus said that he who endures to the end shall be saved. So press on, persevere, don't give up and don't give in. You may have to dip in the Jordan River seven times before you see the answer but then you will see the glorious works of the Lord and you will see His glory! |
The Mind of Christ: Perspective | ||
137 | Jan 12 2018 |
It is all about how you see things—your vision! You have to see Jesus in everything and everything through the Word. Then the Lord will show you the chariots of fire. Otherwise, it may just be the blind leading the blind. |
The Mind of Christ: Part 1 | ||
136 | Jan 5 2018 |
The apostle Paul wrote that we are to have the same attitude as Christ. A mind surrendered to the will of the Father, proclaimed with these beautiful, simple words: 'not My will but Thine be done.' Without those words treasured in your heart and your mind, there is no ministry, no authority and no real power. |
(View 2015 Programs) — (View 2016 Programs) — (View 2017 Programs) | ||