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Read the Master's Call

— BibleTalk Worldwide TV —
We are blessed to be able to use today's most modern technologies to carry an unchanging, ancient and eternal message of God's love and grace into all the world. Join us each week for the latest study or watch previous episodes on-demand at any time.

A weekly series of 30 minute web-casts studying God's word to find what
true Christianity should look like and act like, cutting away the
man-made doctrines, traditions, and superstitions
Program Information - 2015                       2016   2017  2018  2019 
Blessed are the Meek
Dec 25
It is more than just an attitude that brings us blessing, it is a lifestyle that truly is the imitation of Christ. And it is the Lord's plan for our victory and it is His plan to exalt us and take us into the land flowing with milk and honey.
Mourning Into Comfort
Dec 18
King David said that 'weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.' The apostle John said that the Lamb will lead His own to 'springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.' There surely is comfort for those who mourn!
Those Who Mourn
Dec 11
Mourning the walking dead and bringing the Word of eternal life. Turning tears into joy and crying into rejoicing is the ministry of reconciliation.
The Poor In Spirit
Dec 4
It is the perfect start to the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This first Beatitude proclaims the Father's love and the lordship of Jesus Christ as it sets the stage for the entire message.
A Lesson In God's Language
Nov 27
Finding common language as we start studying the Beatitudes in this most wonderful, radical, life-changing teaching of Jesus Christ - the Sermon on the Mount.
The Upward Call
Nov 20
Going up the mountain to hear the single most radical, life changing teaching ever, the Sermon on the Mount. It is the very definition of what Christianity is supposed to be.
Return to Relevance
Nov 13
The single most relevant teaching in man's history has now been widely rejected by mankind as being irrelevant! The world and life today are beset with problems on every side. The Sermon on the Mount has the answers, tried and proven, for all who will receive it.
Words of Understanding
Nov 6
There is revelation, which then requires understanding. And then, that understanding needs to be coupled with knowledge and wisdom from above if indeed we are to be the 'salt of the earth' and the 'light of the world' as Jesus has called us to be.
The Path of Discipleship
Oct 30
What greater calling can there be than to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? It is training, teaching and empowering us to speak like, think like, and act like the One who is the way, the truth and the life.
Be Pre-Prayered
Oct 23
That is not a mistake or a misspelling, the only possible way to be prepared for whatever may come into your life is through prayer; And that prayer has to be conversation with the Lord not just talking to Him telling Him what you want. Faith comes by hearing.
A Time To Be Ready
Oct 16
It says in Ecclesiastes that there is a season for everything, and a time for every event under heaven. This is surely a time to be ready! The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy instructing him that he should be ready in season and out of season as he spoke of the perilous last days. And even if these were not those days, we are far closer than when that letter was written!
Hope: Born of Holiness and Humility
Oct 9
The world offers hope that is generally no more than wishful thinking and is all too often just an illusion. That imitation of true hope leads most people into being disillusioned and heart-sick. The Lord brings a hope that the Word says, "does not disappoint." This is about God's plan to make that real and holy hope blossom in your life.
Humility: Empowering Holiness
Oct 2
In our last program we spoke about true holiness. There is a force in our lives that the Holy Spirit uses to fuel the holiness in our lives, it is called humility. We conquer through surrender - as we joyfully sing, "I surrender all" and follow Jesus to the victory.
Holiness and Fire
Sep 25
The Lord calls us to do good, but He calls us to be holy. And He has a plan to make us holy - this is it! It is about fire. This is cool stuff from a God who is a consuming fire.
Simple Truths for Complex Times
Sep 18
Without doubt, we live in complex times and people are seeking answers. Fortunately, the Lord has provided the answers for His people - and the truth is far more simple than you might have imagined!
A New Way of Thinking
Sep 11
The disciples had been trained by the religious leaders of their time; they had also been influenced by the Roman-Greek world around them, and then Jesus taught them that they needed to change their thinking. How about us?
A Spiritual Lesson In Gardening
Sep 4
It is the oldest profession and we all need training in it. This lesson is about learning from the Word how all life is designed to go from seed, to root to fruit. It has the message we all need, and that the flesh likes the least.
The Most Dangerous Attitude
Aug 28
Not Russia, not China, not Iran, not North Korea, not radical Islam and not ISIS, here is the real threat: Misunderstanding 'Full time ministry' and believing in part-time Christianity.
Red Sea Faith : Red Sea Fear
Aug 21
What the Lord did at the Red Sea was marvelous, it was wonderful. What His people did, not so much! What they did wrong back then is what we need to be on guard against in the church today.
Magic and Mammon: Babylonian Power
Aug 14
The world does not, it cannot, have the power of God. That is the heritage of the saints, the children of God who are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So 'religion' that is devoid of righteousness has made a counterfeit of true power - magic and mammon
Relics and Rituals: The Quest for Power
Aug 7
From Babylon to Rome: Man's desire for power has led to seeking strange things in strange places and has promoted the counterfeit - Magic! Meanwhile, God, the source of all power, is just looking to give it to whoever will receive.
Babylon to Rome - Misdirected Worship
July 31
From Nebuchadnezzar's idol in Babylon to the false gods of Persia and Greece to the idols of Rome, man's worship has gone astray. It is the root cause of so many problems in today's world - as well as in today's Church.
The Priesthood - Either Royal or Wrong
July 24
True priesthood is not about the spiritual elite, it is about those filled with the Spirit. It is not about "big shot" leaders but about bond-servants, and it is about royalty, the family of the King.
The Tower of Babel: A Long Climb To A Bad End
July 17
The theology of Babylon that has crept into the Christianity of today. A look at how so much of what the church believes and does has been conformed to this world rather than being directed by the Word of God.
Mystery Babylon: Kingdoms of Confusion
July 10
The religion of Babylon, the aggression of Persia, the philosophy of Greece, and the culture of Rome combined to create a dangerous theology for today. This is the first part of a study of how so much of Christianity has come to be conformed to this world rather than transformed into the mind of Christ. A confusion that spread from the head to the toes!
From Genesis To Revelation
July 3
A study of the whole bible, start to finish, and the history of man, from beginning to end - in 30 minutes! It is all preparation to look at 'Mystery Babylon' so we can see Jesus more clearly as we cut through the deep darkness.
Releasing the Treasure
June 26
This is about evangelism. All too many churches and ministries seem to have man-made programs while the Lord has a glorious, heavenly plan. And once again, man's programs all too often don't line up with God's plan to spread the treasure that He has used to fill these earthen vessels.
Acts 6 - From Organism to Organization
June 19
What appears to be a minor and subtle change in the early church may be a paradigm shift that planted seeds for tares to come forth later on. It is the beginning of a transformation of a lively, living body into what often becomes a bloated, stagnant, imitation of His Body.
Acts 6 - It's All Greek To Me
June 12
The apostle Paul warned against being taken captive through philosophy, but it seems as though the church today may be more influenced by Aristotle than by God's Word. As the old saying goes, 'Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.'
Church Growth - The Bad
June 5
A There is a program afoot to fill the pulpits and pews of congregations and it is not evangelism, it is not revival, it is not good - it is in fact evil! It is about shepherds responsibility to bring correction and deal with wolves and false brethren.
The Church in Transition
May 29
A prayerful look at the early changes in a church that is always supposed to look like Jesus Christ who is the same 'yesterday, today, and yes forever.'
The Application of Love
May 22
Like faith which is dead without works, love that is not applied in action is useless and dead. There is a word, and a plan in the Lord's church, for that action - it is called 'Ministry'.
Love In A Word
May 15
A study of the Word to grow in our understanding of true love in the midst of an onslaught of worldly misunderstandings and imitations. This week's program is about seeking the heart of Jesus in our own lives.
Christianity In A Word
May 8
There are many words, adjectives, that help describe what true Christianity is - but there is only one word that can truly define it: "Love." It is about the love of God, the love for God, and His love working in and through our lives.
That Was Not Attractive
May 1
A response to feedback from a brother. This is about the power of words and worldly attraction. It is about wonder and the horror of the cross of Christ. It is about change.
The Imitation of Jesus
April 24
Talking like Jesus, thinking like Jesus and acting like Jesus - that is the imitation of Jesus - not the counterfeit. And of course, it is all based on loving like Jesus.
Relationship & Commitment
April 17
The second episode of this new program takes a look at the foundational truths of our faith. We then ask if those truths are to be found in practice in our lives today today.
The Introduction
April 10
In this first episode of our new program we look at establishing the guidelines for the study and start to first of all get a Spirit-led definition of true Christianity so we know what to look for as we progress in this quest for understanding and wisdom.

The Evidence of a Redeemed Life | The Schemes of the Devil
7 Churches of Revelation | Romans | 1 Thessalonians | John Chapter 11 | Steering Your Life | Prayer