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Read the Master's Call

— BibleTalk Worldwide TV —
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A weekly series of 30 minute web-casts studying God's word to find what
true Christianity should look like and act like, cutting away the
man-made doctrines, traditions, and superstitions
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The Call to Ministry: Part 4
Dec 29
It requires power to submit to God's authority and to minister in His name for His glory. That is His purpose for our lives in this old land, this passing world. We are after all ambassadors for Christ with a ministry of reconciliation.
The Call to Ministry: Part 3
Dec 15
Ministry is first and foremost about the Lord's sheep and His church. He has been preparing all believers from the time He was forming us within the womb to be a part of His kingdom. When people lose sight of that they start building their own kingdom and the results are disasterous. Ask the world's wisest man—Solomon.
The Call to Ministry: Part 2
Dec 8
The variety of gifts and ministries that the Lord has provided the Church with goes far beyond the 'five-fold' that most Christians have come to believe are the only ones that matter. Every believer has been given a gift, a ministry and the power and authority to fulfill it. Each of us is to exercise the ministry that He has called us to.
The Call to Ministry: Part 1
Dec 1
The Father calls every believer to ministry, the Lord equips every believer for ministry, Jesus sets the example of ministry for every believer and the Holy Spirit empowers every ministry. It is the death of the one man show as Arthur Burt used to say.
The Valley of Elah: The End of the Matter
Nov 24
Solomon wrote that the race does not go to the swift nor the battle to the strong and David showed that on the battlefield with Goliath. It was true then as it is now that God still chooses the weak things in the natural to shame the things which are strong. Take that, giant!
The Valley of Elah: Armed for the Battle
Nov 17
The Israelites had on their battle array and came with their weapons; the enemy, Goliath the giant, must have looked like a tank in his armor and with his massive weapons, but the only one there who was properly dressed and armed for the battle was David! He had on the 'armor of God' and walked into the valley in faith.
The Valley of Elah: God's Chosen Warrior
Nov 10
In the second part of this study we see David sent by his father Jesse to the Valley of Elah to minister to his brothers. We also see David called by his Father God to deliver his brothers from the attack of the enemy. He was faithful to both.
The Valley of Elah: Confrontation
Nov 3
The historical account of David and Goliath. We all have to face giants in our lives. The attack may be different, the battlefield may be different, but the plan for warfare is always the same! This is a lesson on how it should-and should not be done-to walk in the triumph of Christ Jesus.
Restored from Captivity
Oct 27
It was never about being a part of the Kingdom of Israel, it was always about being a part of the family of God. After doing so many things to try to get the Israelites to repent and return to Him, the Lord says that He will bring the remnant back to the land, freed from captivity, to rebuild.
Bread and Water - Feast or Famine
Oct 20
The Lord promised that the righteous shall not suffer hunger, a wonderful promise as He was bringing famine and drought upon Israel in response to their continued disobedience. And worse yet, was the famine for hearing the Word. The faithful bond-servants have a feast set before them!
The Great Famine
Oct 13
The Lord said that He would send a famine on the land, not for bread or water but for hearing the Word of God. It appears that in this day people are dying for all eternity from starvation, having chosen to reject the Bread of Life and the Living Waters. Thank the the Lord that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be satisfied.
Special: The Festival
Oct 6
October 1, 2017, the final night of the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival being held in Las Vegas turned tragic when a gunman opened fire on the crowd of thousands gathered in a park below his hotel room. But there is more to the story—and it was written many, many centuries earlier, through the mouth of the prophet Amos, spoken by God. This is a look at that story!
Summer Fruit
Sep 29
The Lord showed Amos that the end was at hand for the Kingdom of Israel. The Lord is showing us through Amos that we need to be prepared because it may be the time of the end of the kingdom of this world now!
A Time of Judgment
Sep 8
The Lord gave His people in Israel time to repent—and they did not! While He promised grace and mercy if they had, He now promises judgment and wrath! The same promises and the same consequences face the people of God today.
False Security and Judgment
Sep 1
If there is no Word—'lo-debar'—then there is no defense. Christianity that is not founded on the Rock is like the Maginot Line that France built and trusted in before the armies of Nazi Germany came right through the opening. Have we learned the lesson?
Strange! But not Strange Enough
Aug 25
In his first letter, the apostle Peter refers to believers as aliens and strangers residing on this planet. It would have done as well for him to remind us that our behavior is to be strange, at least to the world. We are different and are to think, to speak, and to act differently than the world. We are strange, hallelujah!
The Blind and Unaware
Aug 18
The Lord said He would pass through the midst of the people of Israel. The message was about the great day of the Lord, His return, and how many who are looking forward to it will be shocked at the consequences. They are blind and unaware of the truth.
When There Is Deep Darkness
Aug 11
The Lord's love shines a light into the world's darkness and it is manifested as giving; giving His Son, His grace, His mercy and every good gift. It is now His people, who are His hands and feet, His body, that must bring the message of that love wherever we go.
Death by Deafness - By Choice
Aug 4
When people, especially the people of God, turn a deaf ear to the life giving Word of God death and decay set in. The natural result is that they then form man-made religions to delude and deceive themselves. And when God's love is rejected then a perverted and corrupt love takes its place.
A Dirge for the Virgin Israel
Jul 28
Man-made religion happens when people are disconnected from the Word of God. It happened during the exodus, it was happening in the time of Amos, and we need to see that is happening today. It was a problem for the people of God — 'virgin Israel' — back then and it is a problem in the church today!
The Goodness and Severity of God
Jul 21
The Lord says through the prophet Isaiah, 'Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker.' That is what Israel was doing in the time of Amos, and as you would reasonably think, they lost that quarrel. It seems as though they were not walking in the 'fear of the Lord' that will lead us to hate evil.
Religion Without Relationship
Jul 14
People in Israel were being very religious, but it was their religious practices that showed that they had no relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and no hope in the Messiah to come. And it was that lack of relationship that God was dealing with in their lives as He sent His word, profitable for correction, through Amos.
Jul 7
It all belongs to the Lord, whatever 'it' is. Or who it is for that matter. Being free from the burden of ownership may be one of the biggest blessings for a bond-servant of the Most High God who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy!
The Altars of Bethel
Jun 30
When it became inconvenient and unpleasant for the people of God in Israel to worship the Lord as He chose, they chose another way. And they formed a self-made religion. It was not in spirit and in truth, it was a much that is going on today.
Shout It From The Rooftops
Jun 23
In the past, because of the disobedience of God's people in Israel, the 'man of the hour' was a new-born babe--and his name was Ichabod, for the glory had departed. Now in the days of Amos the Lord was warning about how He was going to deal with that. For He is a jealous God when it comes to His glory. But another child would be born who would bring the glory, for the spirit of prophesy is the testimony of Jesus Christ!
The Prophesy Test
Jun 16
There is a 'who, what, why, where and how' of prophesy. We look at each of those as we continue to study the prophet who declared that he wasn't a prophet. Amos was a sheep herder, a grower of figs, and, oh yes, a bond-servant of the most high God!
A Word Against Israel
Jun 9
What a blessing it is when the Lord speaks a word for us; for our encouragement, for building up our faith, for training us in righteousness—but what a danger it is when He has to speak a word against us. And then, the questions that may challenge your faith!
The Lord's Outline to Israel
Jun 2
The prophet Amos, speaking for the Lord, the God of Israel, lays out the problem, the solution, and the consequence of failing to accept the solultion, to the people of the kingdom of Israel. And to the people of the United States, the United Kingdom, the nations of Europe, the Mid-East, the far East, Africa, Australia, and anybody else I might have forgotten to mention!
The Prophesy to Judah
May 26
The Lord speaks through the prophet to expose the error, the sin, of Judah—His own people. It was a message that surely should have stirred their hearts. And today it should stir ours also and cause us to examine ourselves in these perilous last days.
Judging the Nations
May 19
The Lord declares His judgment on the nations surrounding Israel and Judah, something which must have pleased the inhabitants of Israel and Judah. But then He declares His judgment on His own people for their unfaithfulness—which should have also pleased them because He disciplines those He loves, but it obviously did not.
The Roaring Lion
May 12
It is not natural for a sheep herder to serve a lion, but that was the Lord's supernatural call on Amos' life. And Amos faithfully fulfills that call on his life as he proclaims the words of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. We rejoice that he was not a prophet for profit!
Amos: The Sheep Herder of Tekoa
May 5
The Lord who 'roars from Zion' took a sheep herder from Judah and sent him to Israel, the kingdom of the northern tribes, to roar from Bethel. Not a professional prophet, but an earthen vessel filled with a treasure--the words of eternal life. God chooses the foolish to shame the wisdom of the wise!
Having Done All, Stand
Apr 28
Concluding our study on the whole armor of God we turn to look at the choices we make that put us in the right place - or the wrong place - at the right time. It is about the 'ifs' in our lives. It is about who is in charge!
Armed for the Battle
Apr 21
The word of God is indeed sharper than any two-edged sword. The enemy, who fears it with good reason and from experience, wants us put it down or allow it to be made dull. Thank the Lord that in His plan, as iron sharpens iron, our true fellowship will keep a keen, sharp edge on that blade.
The Sword of the Spirit
Apr 14
The weapon of life, the Word of God, more powerful than anything that the world can bring to the battle, has been given to us, entrusted to us, that we might walk always in the triumph of Christ Jesus. Satan will do anything he can to convince you not to use it. There is nothing he fears more in the life of a Spirit-led believer.
Brainwashed, or Brain-Dirtied?
Apr 7
God the Father wants to change us, to bring us back into His image, the likeness of His Son, Jesus. He is doing that by washing, cleansing our minds of the world's corruption. Satan wants to change us, the redeemed of the Lord. He wants us to think like the world so that we will act like the world, so we will end up like the world–which is reserved for destruction by fire!
Behind the Shield, In the Shelter
Mar 31
When we are properly dressed we carry our protection with us—or perhaps more accurately, our Protection carries us. It is so wonderful and such a blessing to be in the palm of His hand and in the shelter of the Most High God.
The Breastplate and the Shoes
Mar 24
This is about the Lord's provision to protect the very spot where faith and love reside in you from the schemes of the devil. The next item of clothing helps keep us ready at all times to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. This truly is about what the well dressed Christian should wear.
Dressed for the Battle
Mar 17
Make certain that you are wearing armor before you go out on the field of battle! But it better be the right armor. If it comes from the world then put it off and then put on the spiritual armor that only the Lord can supply. For our battle, our struggle, is not against flesh and blood, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.
The Uniform of the Day
Mar 10
Many, many people here in the United States and all around the world wear uniforms, not to show who they are but rather what they are. Police, firemen, doctors, athletes, military and on and on. The true disciples of Jesus Christ must also be clothed in the uniform that the Lord has proscribed that we might be identifiable - and protected from the enemy. The apostle Paul calls it the "whole armor of God!" It is what the well dressed Christian wears.
The Well Dressed Disciple
Mar 3
This is all about wearing a winning wardrobe. The best part is that the very best clothes, the finest and most fashionable garments are provided to the followers of Jesus at no charge. The price has already been paid. Talk about being dressed for success!
The Paradox of Power
Feb 24
Learning to meekly surrender control to the Spirit of God so that your weakness becomes your power. It is the path to always walk in the triumph of Christ Jesus. It is the trait of a true overcomer so that we can say like Paul, 'When I am weak, then I am strong.'
The Strength of the Meek
Feb 17
While the world seems to count being meek as being weak, the Lord makes clear that the gentleness that is a fruit of the Holy Spirit brings us to the fullness of God's power in our lives.
The Faithful and True Witness
Feb 10
Is it faith or is it faithfulness? Are they the same or are they a bit different? You may know what faith is, but do you understand what faith is? The are the questions that confront us in this study.
It Is Good To Know What Is Good
Feb 3
... And to know who decides! Somebody has to decide what acceptable behavior is. It can either be the community (or government) or perhaps just the individual or (drum roll please) perhaps it is the Lord God Almighty who says what is good and what is not!
Thank God for Goodness
Jan 27
Only God is good, but we are called to be holy and to do good. It all makes good sense as long as you know what 'good' is and who decides. The issue today is that obviously, most people, the majority don't.
The Act of Kindness
Jan 20
This kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, it is a work of the heart; It is the evidence of our redemption through the gift of Jesus from our Father. Love, joy, peace and patience are the links in the chain that lead to our gentle and kind behavior to kith and kin, saints and sinners alike.
Having Patiently Waited
Jan 13
In the letter to the Hebrews (6:15) it is written that Abraham having patiently waited received the promise, speaking of Isaac. So many preachers use a verse later in that letter, in that great chapter on faith, chapter 11, to inspire and cultivate impatience.
Peace: The Promise and the Pact
Jan 6
Believers have the ability to 'fear not' and to be 'anxious for nothing' as Jesus commanded when they trust in His faithfulness. Our peace is based on the word, the promises that He made to us—it is a pact!

Directory of Programs From: 2015 or 2016

The Evidence of a Redeemed Life | The Schemes of the Devil
7 Churches of Revelation | Romans | 1 Thessalonians | John Chapter 11 | Steering Your Life | Prayer